AH! PR’s Andy Hirst secures wide-ranging media coverage in April 2024 … and it’s probably because he operates differently to many PR companies


AH! PR has secured major coverage in local, regional, national and international media in April 2024.

Founder Andy Hirst has managed to get major online stories for one client, Huddersfield-based Environmental Defence Systems Ltd, and also helped a charity event get massive local and regional coverage.

And he believes the reason is that he operates differently from traditional PR companies by providing content that’s written by a journalist for journalists.

“It’s down to experience of seeing thousands of press releases during my time working as a news editor,” he said. “I don’t send out PR information the journalist has to go through to figure out the best news line, I provide the media with a story that’s all ready to be published and some use it virtually word-for-word. It’s not unusual for them to even give me a byline for it.

"All too often PR companies are led by how the client wants the press release to read which is often very different from what newsdesks actually want which is why many news editors simply delete the email within seconds of opening it. They make decisions that quickly so the news release has to gran their attention instantly."

Environmental Defence Systems devised and manufacture the AvSax lithium battery fire containment bag used on board passenger aircraft to deal with burning or overheating personal electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, iPads, portable battery chargers and vapes.

Andy had previously successfully applied for a Queen’s Award for Innovation for the AvSax – the highest accolade any business can get – and AvSax are now on board almost 17,000 aircraft worldwide operated by over 100 airline companies, including some of the biggest names in the industry.

Andy keeps a constant daily check on any lithium incidents on planes and a press release he wrote about one was used by the Daily Mail. Here’s the link:


Andy followed this up with a story about the most dangerous electronic devices passengers take on aircraft and this was featured on Advance, the official magazine of ADS, the trade association for the UK’s Aerospace, Defence, and Security industries which has a global audience. Here’s the link.


Andy also helps charities and his support for severely disabled Huddersfield man Stephen Collins who managed to walk up one of Huddersfield’s steepest hills in an incredible 7.5-mile challenge was used extensively in local and regional media. He was raising money for Slaithwaite-based charity Ruddi’s Retreat which provides free caravan breaks for families with children battling serious illnesses such as cancer, have life-limiting conditions or have suffered bereavement.

Here’s the link to a story on Yorkshire Live


Andy also wrote a first person tribute to Stephen which was published by the Huddersfield Hub news website at https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/castle-hill-or-bust-why-disabled-fundraiser-stephen-collins-is-a-true-huddersfield-hero/

The story also made a front page and two-page spread in The Huddersfield Daily Examiner and a P6 story in the Yorkshire Post.

Andy said: “Stephen Collins is one of the most remarkable, determined and kind-hearted people I’ve ever met in more than 30 years of journalism which is why I was so keen to get the message of what he was doing spread as far and wide as I could.

“He set a fundraising target of £1,500 but, in the end, smashed that by raising an extra 50%, bringing the tally to £2, 275.”

If you have a story to tell and need a press release writing contact Andy by email at andy@ah-pr.com